First Things first: On Thursday, June 27, at 12:30 p.m., Robbie Lashomb marched onto the field at the Fort Drum Division at Rome Air Base-home from Saudi Arabia! Jackie Lashomb is holding a welcome home open house on Sunday, July 7, from 1-4 p.m. when we can all sing out, "We're glad you're back, Rob!"
A reorganizing weekend culminated in the summer's first pot-luck lunch in the church carriage house. The abundance of good food heightened the abundance of good will and expectation the work of the weekend produced.
On Saturday evening the winter island residents called a meeting to plan for summer activities at Dodge Memorial Hall. They elected Chris Matthews president, Phil Marra vice president, Erma Slate treasurer, and Judy Bacci Treasurer.
Because they wanted to include the large group of young adults in the summer planning and responsibilities, they also appointed a board of directors: Mike Davis to take charge of mowing the grass, Lisa Daly to oversee fund-raising, Frank Slate to promote safety and common sense, Patsy Parker to direct cleanup, Penne Ada to plan for food, and Jim Matthews, Steve McAvoy and Mickey Hyde to take responsibility for entertainment.
The officers are going to work out a budget this week and plan to post a treasurer's report each week so everyone will be aware of the current state of the organization's finances. And, in view of a more economical summer, the members decided to vary the Saturday evening events: some dances with live music, some dances with a disc jockey, and some evenings with down home fun. Should anyone need a key to the hall during the week, one key will be at Judy Bacci's and another will be at Chris Matthews' house. The stretcher and first aid equipment are always available in the unlocked part of the hall.
In view of how busy everyone is in July, Old Home Day will be simpler this year. Everyone is asked to contribute both a salad and two pies (which can be made ahead of time). Karen Lashomb volunteered to do any PR work required to spread news of all the activities.
The church, too, did some planning. These people volunteered to teach church school each Sunday: June 30, Debbie Donaldson; July 7, Ray Pfeiffer; July 14, Karen Lasomb; July 21, Yuvon Marra; July 28, Wezzie Grant; Aug. 4, Phyllis Schwartz; Aug. 11, Debbie Donaldson; Aug. 18, Erma Slate; Aug. 25, Aminta Marks; Sept. 1, Margaret Taylor.
This week the parsonage bounced to life when the minister's family arrived, Willette ( Mrs. William Gipson) and Jalyce (3) and Nia Hope ( 18 months). The Rev. Gipson talked about Jesus' touch healing an outcast woman and a rich young girl who was taken ill. Jalyce and Nia Hope took part in the sermon, too.
After church, Ray and Lolita Pfeiffer (helped mightily by the Crosleys, visitors from a neighboring island) planted two arborvitae trees, one on each side of the church porch, in memory of Martha Davison, a beloved baby-sitter for the Pfeiffer children when they were little.
News continues from Aunt Jane's Bay where a grand reunion is promised for Fourth of July weekend when all the Brooks family and all the Custis family will be on the island. Doris and Loder Brooks are here already to stay through July.
Margory Rusho's granddaugther, Sherry, and her family are here from Ohio, and Manley and Mary Lou Rusho are progressing famously with the cottage they are building on the Spring Brook on lower Grindstone. So It Is!