Grindstone News - July 11, 1993


It was the same in Clayton, and on Grindstone. Everyone lay low. About the only topic of conversation was, "this heat!" But, on Grindstone, the river is always near, and during the week Potter's beach belongs to the islanders. On the north side of the island, there were not even many boats moving under the blistering sun.


Nevertheless, Bubby and Carolyn moved on Saturday! "All," in Carolyn's words, "the helping hands of Grindstone" yoked themselves together in a mighty heave-to. The new house was swept, scrubbed and scoured, and, finally, the furniture was moved in. Even the stove, which, last week, wouldn't fit through the space between the wonderful mahogany bar and the door frame into the kitchen, this week is in place near the back door boiling great pans of water for pasta to feed the jolly crew. Already children have found room to play in the dining area, and the comer couch awaits loungers who want to watch a bit of TV.


The dance at the hall, blessed by a star-bright night, was friendly and old-shoe, and went on long into the night as the High Riders accompanied the dances, the eating and the conversation. Harry Slate was happy to win the 50-50 drawing rather early in the evening, but Steve Dorr and Bubby Bazinet didn't get back from taking the band back to Clayton until 4: 30 a.m. (By 8: 30 a.m. the "helping hands" were hauling him out of bed to get on with the settling, and doughnuts and coffee were served from the new kitchen at 9: 30 a.m on Sunday mom.)


Phil Marra gave me the following announcement:

There will be a general meeting of all associates of the Dodge Memorial Hall on Friday night at 7: 30 p.m. for the election of officers for the year 1993-94. We need to elect a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and three board members.


Next Saturday night, July 17, the Kopy Kats will play for the dance. For those who follow their favorite groups, here is the list for the summer, subject to change, of course, and always, on Grindstone, weather permitting:

July 24, Marshall Street Band;

July 31, Kopy Kats; Aug. 7, High Riders;

Aug. 14, Marshall Street Band;

Aug. 21, Hitmen;

 Aug. 28, John Morrow (DJ).


Sunday morning was fresh and clear, although the suit was still hot, and the Davison family came out in force (with the Binhammers, of course, Anne still frail but more acclimated to her new way of life and more inventive. To be a grandmother in absentia, she makes a tape as she reads Peter Rabbit or Yertle the Turtle, telling the grandchildren, to whom she sends the story-tape and book, when to turn the page.)

The church was full for the first communion service of the summer, and. the fan kept us comfortable. The Rev. Barbara Kuempel, introduced her sermon saying she had first been a teacher, but being able to reach that fabled "even-one-child-a-year" hadn't seemed to be enough, so she became a minister. And that, of course, was even less sure! But, reminding us of the tiny mustard seed which grows to be an expansive and beautiful tree, she . prayed that the small good things we all do might also bloom in loveliness, even unseen. When the Davisons are in church, the hymns resound up and down the island crossroads.

Debbie Donaldson was Sunday ' school teacher July 11, and after the children's sermon, she took the children over to the Dodge Memorial Hall to teach them some square dances. All of us want to preserve the island's traditional dances, and teaching the children is, perhaps, the best and least "precious" way of getting the young people to do such an old-fashioned, harmonious dance.


Next Sunday, which will be the service that dedicated to all those who have died during the year from Grindstone, Mary Lou Rusho will teach Sunday school. Mary Lou retired from teaching in Florida in June, and we hope this one-Sunday's labor-of-love will keep her from any boredom for this week at least. Both Polly Rusho and Marjorie were in church this week, j and we rejoice in their return to ". better health. Polly left early to keep from getting too tired, but a, glimpse of her smile lightened the < day.                            I

In the pew behind them, Pom and Belle Marks, accompanied by Peter, patted the backs of Eliza and Anna, ., the two-month-old twins, and Pom ' took 2 1/2-year-old Phoebe out to Sunday school for her first instruction in dance. They are here for about two weeks and will be back in early August. Grandpa and Grandma are delighting in their " visit.                          


The turkey dinner is on! Doc announced it in church; July 17, 5 p.m., in the carriage house, dinner will be served. ($5.50 adults, $3 • children ten and under.) Two pies from all who will, please! Our annual auction of "good" new and old articles, and (new this year) services (lawn mowing, house painting, use of computer services, portraits, baby sitting, etc., etc., etc...) donated by church families and friends.


We were glad to hear that Polly Kolle is coming back to the island soon and is recovering from trouble with her back. Keith Custis will also be back on Grindstone as soon as he finishes treatment at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.


Debbie Smith was in church with 6-year-old Robert Bikwemu, her son, and her father, Pastor Bob who pronounced the benediction at the end of the service. He will be back in September.  But Debbie returns Monday to Burundi, her husband's home, in central Africa, a tiny country in the highlands just north of Lake Victoria. Her news of Burundi is another hope and another wish, and certainly, a prayer: President Buyoya, a Tutsi (a 15% minority group in Burundi) who overthrew the former dictator, and spent months and months in meeting after meeting formulating a charter of unity for the country and a new constitution, also called a general election. The wonderful end of the story is that when the vote went against him, he said, "Well, I lost," and will, in the middle of this month, turn the office over to president-elect, Ndadaye, who is a Hutu, a group that makes up 85% of the population. In the forrnei regime, Ndadaye was a refugei Debbie now hopes that the parliament, (overbalanced witi Tutsi) and the independent military will join with both the new and former presidents, and all the people in making this new democracy work. We all, I'm sure, join in Debbie's hope. That a charter of unity has been articulated, and that a new constitution has been drawn up gives us all a glimmer of hope that we will learn a bit more this year about living together in our gracious world. So it is on July 11, 1993.