Selected Families and Individuals


Francis McNeil BACON III

Co-inventor of Contract Bridge

Their wives were of a class and a generation to have chosen homemaking over the office (though by 1950, 34% of women were in the work force). A few took jobs during the war, or resumed artistic pursuits once children were off at school. And
some couples were way ahead of the times: "Possibly Toni Frissel is known to some of you," writes Francis McNeil Bacon III of his wife, whose photographic career "has taken her to distant parts of the globe, including two trips to the European
theatre during the war, while the old man took care of the children."

"Turning 50 in 1950: Harvard Men Reflect on Lives Between the Wars" from The Wall Street Journal Monday, November 6, 1995 By ELLEN GRAHAM


Explorer Varick Frissell, lost last year in the Newfoundland explosion of the sealing ship Viking